A fascinating tour of Amman: Roman Theater, Royal Automobile Museum and Citadel

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As the capital of Jordan, Amman, is an amazing city where antiquity blends harmoniously with modernity. Every tourist will find something different here, be it majestic historical monuments or modern entertainment. In this article we will make a fascinating journey through a comprehensive tour of the 3 most interesting places of Amman — the Citadel, the Royal Automobile Museum and the Roman Theater. In addition, you can take time to explore the chic VRCade.

But Amman is more than just historical monuments. The city is full of modern entertainment and outdoor activities. One such place is the VRCade virtual reality (VR) club. Here you can get into the exciting world of virtual reality, experience grandiose adventures and get a completely new experience. Visiting VRCade is one of the most exciting things to do in Amman after a day of exploring the historical sites. Here you can fight zombies in Anvio’s game "City Z", explore the area, or experience another immersive virtual reality… In another Anvio’s game "Revolta", you can split into two teams and find out which of your friends is the best shooter and strategist. These games are exclusive, they can’t be played anywhere else in Jordan!

Amman is a city where past and present meet, creating a unique atmosphere. From ancient ruins to modern entertainment, there is something for everyone… The Roman Theater, the Royal Automobile Museum and the Amman Citadel are must-see sites that will help you better understand.

Roman Theater: Time Travel

The Roman Theater in Amman is truly astonishing in its scale and architectural beauty. Designed to host plays and public events, it could seat up to 6,000 spectators. The theater is a reminder of the greatness of the Roman Empire and its influence on the region.

The uniqueness of the Roman Theater lies not only in its construction, but also in the fact that it is located in the center of a modern city, allowing you to see the symbiosis of ancient and modern. Preserved details such as inscription plaques and decorative elements give a glimpse into the cultural life of the time.
Today, the Roman Theater serves not only as a tourist attraction but also as a venue for various cultural events, concerts and festivals, making it a vibrant part of modern Amman. We recommend visiting this place to everyone and not only medieval and antique lovers, but even families with children who will be inspired by these views. This place will inspire you with the loop of history that lingers behind literally every object you see around you once you enter the theater.

The Roman Theater in Amman is indeed an iconic site that attracts tourists and locals alike due to its rich history and cultural significance. Built in the 2nd century AD, the theater had a seating capacity of around 6,000 and served as a venue for a variety of events, from theatrical productions to social gatherings.

The atmosphere of this place is unique: as you explore its ancient steps and admire the magnificent architecture, it’s as if you’ve traveled back in time. This spot will give you an idea of how people lived 1000 and more years ago, what they dreamed of and how they organized their everyday life.

An added value of the Roman Theater is its active use today. Cultural events held here make it possible to recreate again the atmosphere that ancient audiences felt. Concerts and festivals make the theater the center of Amman’s cultural life, creating a bridge between past and present.

A visit to the Roman Theater is not only an opportunity to admire the historical monuments, but also a chance to be part of a living culture that continues to evolve. This place is truly worth including on the itinerary of any traveler looking to fill their trip with unique experiences and knowledge of Jordan’s ancient culture.

Royal Automobile Museum: Journey into a world of luxury and speed

The Royal Automobile Museum in Amman is not only an exhibition of automobiles, but also a wonderful cultural center that allows you to delve into the history of Jordan and its royal family. With over 70 cars on display, the museum offers a variety of models, from limousines to sports cars to military vehicles, each telling its own unique story.
Special attention is paid to King Hussein, who was not only a ruler but also a keen motorist. His personal collection includes a number of high-performance vehicles reflecting his passion for speed and adventure. The museum emphasizes an educational component, giving visitors the opportunity to learn more about each car, its significance and history through informative plaques and multimedia materials.
When you visit the Royal Automobile Museum, you can not only admire the beautiful cars, but also see how they are connected to important events in the country’s history and important personalities, including the royal family. 

Amman Citadel: A Journey Back in Time

We will conclude our trip to Amman with a visit to the Citadel, one of the city’s most impressive sights. The Citadel of Amman, located on the highest hill of the city, is a historical and archaeological treasure.

The history of the Citadel of Amman dates back thousands of years. Traces of different civilizations can be seen here, from the Bronze Age to the Roman, Byzantine and Islamic eras. This makes the Citadel a unique place where history comes alive before your eyes. One of the main attractions of the Citadel is the Temple of Hercules, built in the 2nd century AD. Although today only the columns and fragments of walls remain, these ruins are remarkable for their beauty. Nearby is the Byzantine Church and the Umayyad Palace — beautiful examples of architecture of their time.

Visiting the Citadel of Amman is one of the most interesting things to do in Amman. From the top of the hill, you can get a wonderful view of the entire city, including the Roman Theater. It is the perfect place to take photos and contemplate the cityscape.
For tourists visiting the Citadel of Amman, there are some useful tips. First, it is better to arrive early in the morning or at sunset to avoid the heat and get good lighting for photos. Secondly, don’t forget comfortable shoes — the Citadel grounds are very large and rocky. Finally, be sure to visit the archaeological museum on the Citadel grounds, where you can see artifacts found during excavations.
Conclusion: Amman is a city full of surprises
The Roman Theater, the Royal Automobile Museum and the Citadel are just a fraction of what Amman has to offer. Each of these attractions is unique and provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in different periods and aspects of Jordanian culture.

When planning a trip to Amman, be sure to include these key attractions in your itinerary. But leave time for spontaneous discoveries — strolling through the old city, visiting local markets or modern entertainment centers like VRCade. It’s this combination of history and modernity that makes Amman so attractive to tourists from all over the world… So don’t miss out — plan your trip to Amman now! Discover this amazing city where every stone breathes history and every street is full of life and energy. The Roman Theater, the Royal Automobile Museum, the Amman Citadel and many other interesting places await you. It’s worth coming to Amman if only to capture its hospitality and incredible nature forever!